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Fellow citizens of Africa and Africa Diaspora, I, greet you on behalf of our hero’s past: Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley, Prof. Eyo Ita, Sir Egbert Udo Udoma, Obafemi Awolowo, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius K. Nyerere, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Thomas Sankara, Tafewa Balewa, Patrice Lumumba, and in the name of the Pan African Council for Progress and Development (PACPD). You may ask, “what organization is this?” It is for me to inform you that the PACPD is an organization that seeks to establish seeds of economic development in the Diaspora and Africa in the areas of Information Technology, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Education, Environment, Healthcare, Power Generation, Culture, Infrastructure, Sports and Music by organizing all the experts of the African Diaspora and African into think thanks. They will then be tasked with proffering solutions that if implemented today will lift millions out of poverty and make our population and communities more competitive with the rest of the world many years from now (Let’s put wires on the ground).

It is my vision that this strategy would help to uplift all Black people totaling nearly 2.2 Billion people, for the purpose of bettering our industrial, commercial, educational, social, and political conditions. PACPD is raising the cry of “Develop Africa and Africa Diaspora,” and help make it a favorite vacation destination location.

The great problem of the Black race for the last 500 years has been that of disunity. No one or no organization ever succeeded in uniting or developing because of the oral traditions and dialects within which our collective cultures evolved.

If you believe that Black people are endowed with the senses commonly given to other races, then you must acknowledge that what others have done, Black people can do as well. We want to plant and fertilize seeds of economic trees and watch them grow into bigger trees years from now. On behalf of PACPD, I appeal to you to fill out the registration form so we can organize and invite you to ask questions and lead. In these technological days, we don’t need a high-rise office space in Kampala or Uyo. All we need is zoom! We need all the talented Women and Men of Africa and Africa Diaspora to join PACPD. There is strength in numbers, and we must not fail our future generations.

Thank you.

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Louis Farrakhan

Barack Obama

PLO Lumumba